

So Stoked

I can't even tell you what this is about, all I can tell you is that it's HUGE (and not a new shirt or anything). I'm talking big, real big. Stay tuned for more details...

Still one of my favorite pictures...

Troy and his Triumph. You can tell he's riding it in his head.


Now that I have your attention,

I'm really into the idea of getting a new exhaust for my bike this winter so.....if you would please......


Hey, thanks.

Wheel Lifts & Tire Spins

I've got loads of videos to edit but I'm just not really into it right now and I don't know when I'll have time again soon so this will have to hold you over for now.


Alright, here's the deal friends...we're gonna have us a little FREE SWEATSHIRT GIVEAWAY!!! ( I said that part in my announcer voice) Anyone who signs up to "follow" the blog on the right hand side of the site will be entered in a drawing for a free LYDF sweatshirt. (all you need is a email address to sign up) Boom!

This includes those who are already following the blog so no worries there. The drawing will be held on December 1st, I'll repost this a few times too so everyone gets a chance.

Adam Wright Photography Blog

Keep an eye on this site. Adam is a ridiculous photographer. Absolutely amazing.  http://adamwrightphoto.blogspot.com/

George the Painter

Check out George's site for some rad, affordable and original artwork for your collection. Plus it's a good read and all the funds go to support the needy (GTP) and keep him living the life many of us wish we were.


The Beginining...

Tony Alva in St. Cloud

Tony Alva was in St. Cloud last week for an appearance and Pat was lucky enough to meet him AND have him sign the potrait Pat painted of him on an old deck. Here's a couple of shots, both fromt he local paper and a self piv Pat took. Rad!


