
Jim Carroll - Untitled - 1996

I admire your trend
Do you know where I could get one?
Do you wanna sell yours?

The positions we use when making love determine the next day's weather
Tomorrow it will rain

Don't you care that each time the telephone rings a green sea turtle dies
Are you in fear that you have not fulfilled it all by now?

Was Rene right?
I mean don't you long some nights  for your complacent scene to be conquered?

It's time you began to dissolve a comfort of your separation
Now and with grace
Before the hinges shoot loose in distress of the longing hordes
the homeless, the Pakistanis, the Freemasons in their high-backed chairs

Have you isolated your rage?
And what route have  you designated to dispose of it?
How often do you in a day fear losing it all?
Don't worry, don't worry, you'll get home
Just remember to keep the river on the right.

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