
Thank You Sadie

With the recent and far too early passing of Sadie I find myself thinking a lot about her lately. I know I talk quite a bit about living the life that you want to live, creating your own experiences and adventures and really just grabbing life by the jewels and living it to the fullest. That's exactly what Sadie always did. She had an incredible ability to live each day to the fullest and to fill it with people and things she loved. Sadie never sat around waiting for life to happen, she made it happen. She did what she wanted to do, led her life how she wanted to lead it. I can't even imagine all of the wonderful things she would have accomplished if she hadn't been taken from us so early. Sadie always held those that she cared for very close. She supported and encouraged people to do what they love. From the very beginning of LYDF she was our biggest cheerleader when she really didn't have to be. We met through this, she wasn't an old friend supporting us, she was a new friend who really like what we were doing and what we were trying to build. She could have blown us off, as a lot of people did, because she didn't need to take the time out of her life to work with us, but she didn't. She would always help us however she could. I just can't thank her enough for all the she meant to LYDF and me personally and what a great friend she was. I think a lot of people could learn a lot from her and if the world was filled with more people living their lives like Sadie it would be a much better place.

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