

Those of you who regularly follow this blog have gathered by now that my chick and I are now cohabitating. We found a great little compound with the perfect sized shop for me and the house isn't bad either, it's so small and oddly built that I regularly laugh about it but it's perfect for us. Plus the kitchen floor is really slippery and good for dancing.

Now normally she gets up before me and has gone to work by the time I rise for the daily grind. However, now and again she has a weekday off therefore she gets to sleep in while I get up and going. Today was one of those days. I love those days. I'm not a real sappy or emotional guy but the sight of her peacefully sleeping in the morning (by "peacefully" I mean sprawled out all over the place with her hair all messed up and possibly even snoring) reminds me of how lucky a guy I am.

I've made a few good decisions in life and am super grateful that they've led me to her. She'll have dinner ready by the time I get home, help me move a couch, sew me new helmet liners, let me ride my bike and work in the garage as much as I want, shoot guns, make cookies, get all dressed up to go out or wear jeans and a flannel and work in the yard, she's funny as hell and has a huge heart, she loves my family and friends and my family and friends love her. Plus she's tall and really hot. Chicks simply don't get any better than her. She's the cream of the crop. This post is getting way to sappy and gross. So, there.

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